
Streetwyze is
your ground-game

That helps grow your word-of-mouth & customer relationships

Streetwyze is built on the power of the people.

Reach your community from day one.

Instantly connect

with people in your neighborhood without worrying about gathering a following

Our anytime tools

help you target exactly the people and places you want to reach

A digital presence

that helps word-of-mouth businesses reach their larger community

Instantly reach more people

with culturally & community responsive localized messaging

Instantly reach more people

with culturally & community responsive localized messaging

Instantly reach more people

with culturally & community responsive localized messaging

Over 5 million people have participated on Streetwyze with our partners

Our projects have yielded over
$5 billion
in social and economic partners

People talk.

We take your business to the crowd.

Our Projects

Our Partners & Supporters